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15 agosto 2014 5 15 /08 /agosto /2014 16:18

Let go of your stress and restore good health with a Thai Massage at Body lines

thai massage in Madrid Spain

Thought to be over 2,000 years old, traditional Thai massage is an authentic healing art and unique kind of body therapy developed by people who used massage not only as a remedial method of healing to treat illnesses, but to conserve health and wellbeing.

It is the combination of yoga stretching and calmness of meditation, with acupressure, exercise movement and reflexology that makes it a healing art. It is worked on a floor with the client dressed in comfortable, loose clothing. The Thai method mainly uses point pressure and muscle stretching. And it is not just the hands that are used to free tension stored in your body. The feet and elbows are used as well.

Physical Benefits of Thai Massage:

  • Helps detoxification of the body and boosts the immune scheme.
  • Increases blood circulation, brings down blood pressure.
  • Good for muscle relaxation.
  • Increases flexibility in your muscular tissues and increases mobility.
  • Improves posture and balance; corrects body alignments and dissolves energy blockages.
  • Improves athletic performance.
  • Eases arthritis and joint pain.
  • Helps tone the body, strengthen joints and fights diseases, including chronic joint problems.
  • Prevents illnesses and alleviates degenerative diseases.
  • Slows down the aging procedure.

Thai Foot massage is a very stimulating, energizing and relaxing treatment for the feet and lower legs. It can be enjoyed as a one hour treatment on its own or can be shortened and added to a full Thai Massage session.

If you are in Madrid, Spain, you can experience the benefits of Thai Massage and Thai-yoga massage by visiting:

Xiao Ying Massage Center at Hermosilla Street, nº 102, 1º A. Telf... (+34) 686 57 60 91 Madrid.


Thai massage is a system of massage and assisted stretching developed in Thailand and influenced by the traditional medicine systems of India, China, and Southeast Asia. Now, you have Thai massage in Madrid.

Thai massage is a system of massage and assisted stretching developed in Thailand and influenced by the traditional medicine systems of India, China, and Southeast Asia. Now, you have Thai massage in Madrid.

Through each massage we give, every student we teach, we will always be thankful for what he simply the ancient traditions of oriental massage allowed us to discover and share, everyday.

4 junio 2013 2 04 /06 /junio /2013 14:36

传统泰式按摩马德里   taishianmo


thai massage 泰式按摩  Thai Massage

泰式保健按摩是流行于泰国的一种按摩方式,以活动关节为主,无穴位之说,不同于中式按摩。简便易学,难易适中,实用性强。泰式按摩非常注重背部、腰部的舒展,按摩师从脚趾开始一直作业到头顶才算结束一套动作,从足部向心脏方向进行按摩。手法几乎涵盖了按、摸、拉、拽、揉、捏等所有动作.泰式按摩是跪式服务,左右手交替动作,用力柔和、均匀、速度适中、顺序进行。浴后经泰式保健按摩,可以使人快速消除疲劳,恢复体能,还可增强关节韧带的弹性和活力,恢复正常的关节活动功能,达到促进体液循环,保健防病,健体美容的功效。 泰式古法按摩,除了大家熟悉的关节纾整外,更有自成一套的经脉、穴位按压及伸展理论。利用手指、 泰式按摩。

泰式按摩 手臂、膝部和双腿等按摩对方穴位,又在肌肉和关节上按压和伸展,令身体、精神和心灵回复平衡,促进血液循环、呼吸系统、神经系统、消化系统运作正常和肌肉皮肤新陈代谢。定期进行,令人体精神和肉体保持最佳状态。中泰按摩  泰式推油泰式按摩手法 泰式按摩是古代泰王招待皇家贵宾的最高礼节。



主打功效——增强身体柔韧性: 如果你希望活动关节、舒缓肌肉、增强身体柔韧性,又不愿或没有时间主动运动,不妨试试泰式按摩。这种按摩其实是对体验者施以的被动瑜伽,利用独特的推拉蹬摇踩等手法,通过压足、压腰、踩脊等方式作用于肌肉筋膜和关节等部位,按摩后如同进行了高强度运动。 (其他功效——缓解身心疲劳、加速脂肪燃烧、调节胃肠等脏器功能、增强免疫力)。



C/Hermosilla, 102, 1º A


电话: 686 57 60 91

电子邮箱: masajesorientalesmadrid@gmail.com

asian massage madrid



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  • : Blog para el Bienestar y la Salud Personal, Un blog de Masajes Orientales en Madrid.
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